Our net zero target

In line with the Greener NHS programme, we're planning to build one of the first net zero carbon hospitals.

Net zero is the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. We reach net zero when the amount we add is no more than the amount taken away. We are aiming to be a net zero hospital by both reducing and offsetting our carbon emissions.


Greener, cleaner, leaner

The new hospital will be more sustainably heated and cooled, and will be powered using the best and latest green technology.

We'll use a combination of heat pump technology and solar panels to harness renewable energy that can be transformed into electricity. The design of the new hospital will maximise natural daylight, provide for efficient heating, insulation and cooling, and have high-efficiency LED lighting.


Transforming the wider site

The redevelopment of the wider Whipps Cross site will provide more green spaces and boost biodiversity. Plans include:

As part of our commitment to the environment we will create 58,500sqm of newly planted publicly accessible green spaces, the equivalent of around 8 football pitches. 

  • Better drainage and other flood mitigations
  • 58,500sqm of new green spaces — the equivalent of approximately 8 football pitches — which will boost biodiversity by 10%
  • Greener and better connected transport links to encourage walking and cycling


A map of the site showing greener policies


Barts Health Green Plan

The Greener NHS programme