Construction on site

The new hospital will be built next to the current hospital on the site of the now demolished former nurses' accommodation. This means there will be no disruption to current hospital services.

Construction Phase 1 - Demolition

The demolition and clearance of the disused buildings was completed in Spring 2022.

3 photos showing the progress of the demolition of the nurses accomodation

The completion of this first phase of ‘enabling works’ marked a significant milestone in the building of the new state-of-the-art hospital, and the creation of a new neighbourhood with new homes, green spaces, and local facilities.

Watch our timelapse of the demolition works:


Phase 2 - Construction of car park

The next phase of the Whipps Cross Hospital redevelopment has received backing from the Health and Social Care Secretary and the Government’s new hospital building programme.

Support has now been confirmed for phase two of our ‘enabling works’, which includes construction of a 500-space car park, which we need before the new hospital build can begin.

We will continue to work closely with the New Hospital Programme to finalise the funding and timeline for this crucial next phase of work. We anticipate the construction of the new car park will begin in 2024.

We anticipate the hospital construction will commence in 2025, with completion in 2029.

WXR Aerial view with hospital and car park coloured

An artist’s illustration of the new site, the new hospital is marked in green, car park in blue


To receive updates once construction works start on site, please email us 

Please note that we will not respond to sales requests received via email relating to the hospital construction.