Whipps Cross Voices – Do you have a story to tell? | Latest news

Whipps Cross Voices – Do you have a story to tell?

Whipps Cross Voices celebrates the history of Whipps Cross Hospital, capturing stories and experiences of current and former staff, patients and the local community.

In July we held our first event, we collected our first oral histories and added new memories and items to the collection. As our oral history recordings continue, we’re also starting to record everyday sounds of the hospital. See below for a few words from Frazer Merrick, our project sound artist, and an invitation to share your ‘must-hear’ sounds.

One person’s noise is another person’s treasure, and it’s these unique stories we hope to capture through recording the hospital and its inhabitants over the next year. We will be recording the people and the ambiences of the beautiful Victorian building such as its 1/4 mile long corridor and the people who traverse it every day and the additional spaces built around it.

Barts Archive held an event at Whipps Cross on 21 September to speak to more staff and visitors about the project. They are planning further events later in the Autumn, including at Leytonstone Library. You can find out more at www.whippscrossvoices.com.


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