Whipps Cross Redevelopment – Phase 2 planning consultation virtual public meetings | Latest news

Whipps Cross Redevelopment – Phase 2 planning consultation virtual public meetings

As part of the planning consultation of the emerging designs for Whipps Cross Hospital and the wider site we held three virtual public meetings in February and March 2021, to give members of the public an opportunity to find out more about the evolved proposals since they were last presented in December 2020, ask the project team any questions and give their feedback.  

The events were led by Barts Health NHS Trust and Ryder Architecture, the appointed architects for the project. 

Each event included a short presentation setting out the emerging proposals followed by an interactive question and answer session.

In total, the public meetings were attended by around 135 people across the three sessions. The slides that were presented can be found here and a recording of the presentation can be viewed below.

Key feedback themes

The feedback and questions from members of the public fell into a number of clear themes:

  • Questions about the capacity of the new hospital and the number of beds
  • The challenges of meeting the improvements in out of hospital care that are assumed in the plans
  • The future of the services provided at the Margaret Centre
  • The impact of the redevelopment on our closest neighbours, including the height and location of buildings as well as the construction access routes in and out of the site
  • The extent to which transport and access routes will be improved, including car parking plans for the site
  • Questions about the number – and height – of new homes on the site and on whether affordable and key worker housing will be provided
  • How the project is being funded

Information on these and a range of other questions can be found in our FAQ document which will continue to be updated with responses to key questions we receive.

These meetings, together with feedback we continue to receive, including via the online survey, email and freephone, are all being considered by the Trust and the design team, to help inform the further development of the plans.

We expect to submit planning applications to Waltham Forest Council later this spring. We will continue to engage with the local community on the plans for a new hospital as we progress into the next stage of our journey.

You can still give us your feedback in the following ways:


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