Whipps Cross redevelopment – an update from Alastair Finney | Latest news

Whipps Cross redevelopment – an update from Alastair Finney

Photo of Alastair Finney

Last Thursday (25 May) Steve Barclay, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, told the House of Commons that the rebuilding of Whipps Cross Hospital is among the projects that “will now proceed and be fully funded and constructed”.

Responding to the announcement, Whipps Cross Redevelopment Director Alastair Finney said:

This is really welcome news and, importantly, reconfirms that as part of the plan to build 40 new hospitals across England, the new Whipps Cross will be completed by 2030.

Whilst recent progress has been slow, we have made good progress on all of the work that has been within our direct control including securing planning permissions and demolishing disused buildings to prepare the site next to the current hospital for construction.

Over the coming weeks we will be working closely with national colleagues from the New Hospital Programme to agree the next steps and timelines for completing our business case and for constructing the first of two new multi-storey car parks and then the new hospital itself.

Thank you for your support in helping the redevelopment get this far. There is still a lot of hard work to be done, but last week’s announcement has moved us another step forward on the journey to building a new hospital.  I know that, at the end of that journey, we will have a significantly better working environment for staff providing even better care for local people.


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