Update on new hospital plans | Latest news

Update on new hospital plans

The Barts Health Trust Board was updated on the progress towards a new hospital for Whipps Cross at its 18 January meeting.

Redevelopment Director Alastair Finney told the Board that whilst, overall, the redevelopment programme remains in a strong position, we are still waiting for information from the government’s New Hospital Programme and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) about when the funding for the new multi-storey car park will be released allowing work to start on site.

The delay in releasing the funding means that work on the new car park will now potentially begin only later this year. The new car park needs to be built first to allow the new hospital building to be built on the site of the current temporary staff car park.

Delays at national level also mean that the timeline for construction of the new hospital itself will need to be revised, with estimates now pointing to construction of the new hospital beginning in early 2025. All of this is dependent on our business case for the new hospital being approved by the Treasury.

Commenting, Alastair Finney said:

“These delays are disappointing, but we are continuing to press for the release without further delay of the funding for the new car park so we can get on with the works. It’s critical that staff and the people we serve can see visible signs of progress, to show we have some momentum on our journey to a new hospital. In our discussions with national colleagues we continue to make the case very strongly that our planning permission is in place, we have cleared the site, and we are ready to begin realising our vision for the new Whipps Cross.”

You can read the full redevelopment update to the Trust Board here (pages 119-121)



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