Response to announcement of New Hospital Programme review | Latest news

Response to announcement of New Hospital Programme review

The Chancellor of the Exchequer has set out in a statement to the House of Commons that, as part of the wider audit of public spending, a review of the national New Hospital Programme will take place.

In a Treasury paper published following the Chancellor’s statement, the government outlines that it ‘is undertaking a full and comprehensive review of the programme while continuing to deliver the most advanced and most urgent hospitals to a realistic timeframe’. 

In response, Whipps Cross Redevelopment Director Alastair Finney said:  A crane working on the Whipps Cross car park construction site

“We note the statement from the Chancellor and will work with national and regional colleagues to understand the implications for our plans for a new Whipps Cross Hospital.

“In the meantime, construction of the first of two multi-storey car parks is proceeding as planned. This is work which must be completed before the new hospital itself can begin.

“We continue to emphasise to national colleagues our advanced state of readiness, and our current best-case scenario for delivery of the new Whipps Cross remains construction on the hospital itself starting on site in 2026 and completing in 2030.”


  1. Adrian Clark says:

    This hospital development is more to do with Barts Health Care Trust centralising its control and power at Whitechapel. Unfortunately political ideology and corruption played a big part in the London Hospital getting the largest most expensive PFI in the country, with a 43 year agreement and an interest rate that means that £2.5m per week is paid back to Skanska and the Merchant Banks who put the money up front.
    Whipps Cross was the busiest hospital in London, seeing over double what the London Hospital Whitechapel saw. It is where the Centre of Excellence should be, not in an inaccessible place in the centre of London. But unfortunately if you built Whipps Cross hospital up to a centre of Excellence, no one would bother going down to the London hospital Whitechapel. then its very existence would be under threat. But never mind the old Medical School network, Dr Darsi and the prof and Dean of the medical school made sure with their political allies in the Conservative party put this plan through. Not good for the Taxpayers or local communities. Nothing to do with the Health of society, more to do with greed, power and control.

    Added on 9 Nov 2024 at 01:42 PM

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