Maternity services at Whipps Cross | Latest news

Maternity services at Whipps Cross

BAME maternity photo

Our maternity services at Whipps Cross Hospital were inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in August 2022. Under the new inspection system, the service retained its overall ‘good’ rating as well as gaining a ‘good’ rating for being a ‘well-led’ department. 

Mary Turay-Olusile, associate director of Midwifery & Gynaecology for Whipps Cross Hospital told us she was:

“thrilled we retained our ‘Good’ rating for maternity care at Whipps Cross. Our existing team is fantastic and they are so hard working.” 

Looking ahead, Mary added:


“To ensure we continue to keep our patients safe, we have taken action in response to the CQC’s feedback to support our teams and address the staffing challenges”.

As with many Trusts across the country, the Hospital is actively recruiting qualified midwives from overseas, and offering posts to student midwives who trained here at Whipps Cross, The Royal London, and Newham hospitals.

In their report the CQC also identified areas where the hospital is doing well, including our safeguarding teams and perinatal mental health service. Another area that was positively identified was our exceptional level of security and processes relating to child abduction.  


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