First phase of construction to begin in 2024 | Latest news

First phase of construction to begin in 2024

Car park massing

The first phase of construction for the Whipps Cross redevelopment is expected to begin in 2024, after the government gave the go-ahead for the first of two new car parks for the hospital.

In August, the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England approved the outline business case for phase two of our ‘enabling works’. These works include building a new 500-space multi-storey car park. This must be completed before we can begin to build the new hospital itself.

The new car park was designed in response to local people’s feedback. It was reviewed by the Design Council and meets the ‘Park Mark’ standard – a status awarded by the Police to car parks that meet the safety requirements.

There will be accessible spaces, motorcycle parking, and electric vehicle charging points – with infrastructure to provide additional charging spaces in the future.

We are working to make progress as quickly as possible. The search for a construction partner to carry out the works has already begun, and we expect to have identified a preferred contractor by later this Autumn.


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