End of life care will continue at Whipps Cross Hospital | Latest news

End of life care will continue at Whipps Cross Hospital

NHS North East London have proposed a number of  improvements to the provision of community-based end of life care across our local area to enable more people to be supported at home and in St Francis’ and St Joseph’s hospices.

Alongside these improvements, specialist palliative and end of life care will continue to be provided at Whipps Cross Hospital

Prior to completion of the new hospital, care will continue to be provided in the Margaret Centre as well as in an increasing number of general medical wards elsewhere in the hospital.

In the new Whipps Cross, specialist palliative and end of life care will be provided on all general medical wards. As well as this, we’ll look at the option of also providing specialist care in a dedicated acute palliative care unit within the new hospital.


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