Construction starting this year!

I’m pleased to be able to tell you that we now have the go-ahead from government for our new multi-storey car park!
We are currently working through the conditions that came with the final approval, work that includes refining our designs, agreeing a timeline for construction, and agreeing a final price.
Once those conditions have been met, we anticipate we will be able to start construction in the summer.
This is a big moment for the redevelopment of Whipps Cross as it marks the first phase of construction on site and must be completed before work on the new hospital can begin.
Whilst we’re waiting for construction to start, we are continuing to work hard to make progress on the new hospital itself.
Currently, I’m working with the national New Hospital Programme team to agree a funding settlement for 2024/25 which, if agreed, would allow us to review and refresh our 2021 plans and designs. This is an important piece of work which will enable us to make sure the new hospital will be set up to provide the highest standards of treatment and care.
As we move up another gear, we are also keen to facilitate engagement between local health and care providers and local people. As part of that ambition, the Whipps Cross community forum is seeking to extend and strengthen its membership. You can read more about the forum here.