Construction on track | Latest news

Construction on track

Construction of the first of two new multi-storey car parks is on time and on track to complete in August 2025.

Since work began in late June, contractors have been working to excavate the site and insert ‘piles’ into the ground as part of laying the foundations for the building. Throughout September and October work will continue to complete this ‘groundworks’ phase, a period that also includes big improvements to site drainage as part of wider plans to prevent future flooding.

Once this initial phase is completed in mid-November, the work of installing the concrete staircases and erecting the steel frame of the building will begin.

When the car park opens in the Autumn of next year it will free up space to start construction of the new hospital itself.

The car park will include 100 electric vehicle charging bays, parking for 24 motorcycles and 50 accessible spaces. During construction of the hospital most spaces in the new car park will be for staff.

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