Barts Health submits planning applications for a brand new Whipps Cross hospital

You can view the planning applications on the Waltham Forest Council website under reference number 211245 and reference number 211244. The Local Planning Authority will now undertake a statutory consultation on the proposals. All comments should be made to Waltham Forest through their suggested channels.
We’re aiming to build a new hospital at Whipps Cross providing the same core services as today, including A&E and maternity, offering more modern healthcare facilities, in better surroundings, for the whole community.
These new modern clinical departments will have increased clinical space and will be brought closer together for better patient care. There will be more clinics and same day patient care, better access to diagnostics, and easier navigation for patients, staff and visitors.
The flexible and adaptable designs of the hospital will be able to respond more efficiently and effectively to changing healthcare demands in the future. Space has also been identified next to the new hospital for it to expand in the future if needed.
The redevelopment of Whipps Cross goes beyond the hospital itself. The proposals aim to transform the wider Whipps Cross site and position the new hospital at the heart of a new neighbourhood with much needed new homes alongside other health and wellbeing services, leisure and cultural facilities and new green public spaces, bringing real benefits and investment to the local community.
Our overarching vision is to create ‘a hospital in a garden and a garden in a hospital’, bringing stronger connections to the local areas and the neighbouring Epping Forest, with the healing benefits that that can provide.
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More information about the wider redevelopment plans can be found on our website