60 seconds with Radhika Narasinkan | Latest news

60 seconds with Radhika Narasinkan

picture of radhika edited version

After graduating with a degree in Biotechnology, Radhika worked for a pharmaceutical company before joining the civil service.  She has held a number of policy and strategy roles covering various sectors from Energy to Life Sciences and Health. Before joining the Whipps Cross Redevelopment team, Radhika was a Deputy Director leading transformation programmes in Public Health England and then in the UK Health Security Agency and the Department for Levelling Up.

As  Associate Director for Health and Care Services Strategy , what would a normal day look like?
I’m an early bird so I like to come in early and carve out time to reflect and work through how we progress the programme before immersing myself into the day’s challenges. As the day progresses, I navigate meetings with the Health and Care Services Strategy team and colleagues within the trust, as well as with the community.  The investment in building relationships, listening, and learning from people around is pivotal to my role. Towards the end of the day, I try to spend a bit of time to consolidate what has happened and prepare for the next day.

What role does your team play in the overall redevelopment of Whipps Cross Hospital?
The Health and Care Service Strategy team deliver the health and care service strategy which informs the development of the new Whipps Cross Hospital. A key pillar of the strategy is how we plan to deliver care in partnership with other local health and care providers in the new hospital. The team works across the hospital and alongside community partners to deliver the strategy.

What exciting projects are your team currently working on?
There are a few. We are currently working across all departments and services to refine our initial work to understand what is needed in the new hospital. This will enable us to understand what is needed for each department to function and ensure it is fit for purpose. Alongside this, we are supporting the hospital on transformation programmes such as outpatients and emergency care.

Why is your role within the redevelopment so important?
This is such an important programme for the hospital and Trust. The new hospital will impact our local community, patients, and staff. The team care and want to listen to staff and patient views which help us consider things we may not have.

What do you like to do in your free time and why?
I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.  My poor family tend to be the guinea pigs for my experimental dishes, but no one has complained too much ….yet.

Do you have any hidden talents?
Not sure if getting to grade 4 piano counts, but I’ve been told I’m a pretty good baker.


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