A message from Dr Rina Davison, Whipps Cross Redevelopment Clinical Director

I am excited to take up the role of Clinical Director for the Whipps Cross Redevelopment at what is a crucial point in shaping the way services will be delivered in the new hospital.
As a local resident and a consultant at the hospital since 2002, I am passionate about making the new Whipps Cross Hospital the best it can be for our patients and our staff.
Having spent seven years, first as the clinical director for medicine, and then as the hospital’s deputy medical director, I have shaped and implemented new models of care, experience which I can draw on to help successfully plan the new Whipps Cross.
I view my role as a key clinical point of reference, bringing together Barts Health with our colleagues in other NHS providers and local councils to support the vision for the new hospital.
I know the wealth of passion, experience and talent we have across the hospital, and I am
determined that the redevelopment should draw on it – and our service user groups – to make sure that the new Whipps Cross is fit not just for the patients of the 2030s but for
generations of local people.
I also want to make sure that we continue to keep staff and local people informed about the
progress of the redevelopment, both about our clinical services and projects such as the construction of the new multi-storey car park.
If you are not already subscribed to the digital version of this newsletter or Barts Health’s
social media channels, I would encourage you to do so. In the meantime, you can read more in this month’s newsletter about the work of the redevelopment’s health and care services strategy team and how they are currently working with colleagues to refresh the designs
for the new Whipps Cross.